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Community occupation of the North South pipeline

Friends of the Earth organised a community occupation of the work site on thursday 22 January. We had a small but spirited presence that aimed to raise awareness about the ecological impacts of the pipeline and offer support to rural communities affected by the pipeline.

report-back, Jan 22

We had a small but spirited action today where we attempted to obstruct work on the North South pipeline. There were simply too many security and police for us to have any ability to stop work for long. There were 5 arrests. We were not given charge sheets, and were told we would get them in the post.

Many thanks to everyone who made the effort, once again, to show up.

We have put some photos up at:
(mostly on the second page)

Our next planned event is in Melbourne, on friday week at Tim Holding's office.

thursday January 22, 2009

The short-sighted pipeline project will pump 75 billion litres of water a year from the Goulburn River, the major Victorian tributary of the Murray, to supply Melbourne.

At present a 12 kilometre swathe is being cut through the Toolangi state forest, threatening Special Protection Zones and the ecological integrity of the forest.

Please consider joining us for a community occupation of the work site on thursday 22 January, from 9.30am

Our plan is to hold a peaceful occupation of the site. This area is considered a 'no go zone', meaning people entering the site will be asked to leave and be arrested if they fail to do so. A number of people are prepared to be arrested as but we are hoping others who can come to provide support (staying outside the work zone).

This action is organised by Friends of the Earth, in support of affected rural communities and in the cause of sensible water policy.

We will meet at 'The Quarry' carpark, at the corner of the Melba Highway and Healesville – Kinglake Rd at 9am (Melways Key Map, Page 10, P2). Allow at least 90 minutes to drive from inner Melbourne.The walk on will start at 9.30.

For further information, please contact Cam Walker.
03 9419 8700/ 0419 338 047/  <[email protected]>

For further details on the pipeline, its impacts, and alternative ways to meet our water needs, please see:

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