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Indigenous Protected Areas under threat from Government cuts

Indigenous Protected Areas (IPAs) are lands owned by Indigenous people and voluntarily managed for conservation. There are currently 60 declared IPAs, covering land three times the size of Victoria! IPAs are recognised as providing real social, cultural and environmental benefits through providing employment, protection of country and cultural connection to land. But IPA's are under threat.foe-IPA-infographic-WEB.jpg



IPAs are under threat by the Federal Government who are stripping funding for the Caring for Country and IPA programs. IPAs have NO secure funding after 2018. 

Friends of the Earth stand in solidarity with Indigenous communities who are living on country and managing country and call on the Government to allocate long-term adequate funding to the IPA, Indigenous Ranger and Caring for Country programs.

Watch this space for potential actions in a sustained campaign to protect Indigenous Ranger programs and securing the future for IPAs and Indigenous Communities living on country.

For further information, please email Morgana: [email protected]

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