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Make your voice heard on the nuclear waste dump!

The Federal Government has finally announced that it will repeal the Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Act. But resources minister Martin Ferguson's replacement legislation – the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill (NRWMB) – is as coercive and unfair as the bill it replaces. Please make a submission to a Senate Inquiry.

The Federal Government has finally announced that it will repeal the Commonwealth Radioactive Waste Management Act. But resources minister Martin Ferguson's replacement legislation – the National Radioactive Waste Management Bill (NRWMB) – is as coercive and unfair as the bill it replaces. The NRWMB leaves Muckaty, north of Tennant Creek in the NT, as the only site that will be initially considered under he NRWMB despite widespread opposition and a flawed, secretive nomination process for the Muckaty site.

Please make a submission to a Senate Inquiry on the proposed legislation and email it on or before MONDAY MARCH 15, 2010. That's NEXT MONDAY !

All the info you need is posted here.

Image: Muckaty Traditional Owner Dianne Stokes, who says:

"All along we have said we don't want this dump on our land but we have been
ignored. Martin Ferguson has avoided us and ignored our letters but he
knows very well how we feel. He has been arrogant and secretive and he
thinks he has gotten away with his plan but in fact he has a big fight
on his hands."

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